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The DDO Chronicle: Issue 441


Community Spotlights

We'll be doing our first content creator preview on Monday! Read more on the DDO Forums.

To nominate a player, email with the subject line "PLAYER SPOTLIGHT"

Why doesn't Eberron have bicycles?

Comment on the DDO Forums here and you could win DDO Points!

Fansite News

DDOcast continues its review of Saltmarsh! Get the latest on

DDO Players survives Gen Con! Get their newest show on

DDOstream is your first stop to find DDO on Twitch! This week Brighter Days Ahead quests in Thunderholme, Doug Glendower sends a postcard from Orien, and DDOpl is gifted!

Also on TwitchSamiusGurobo runs a melee sorc, Deathy_TV returns for Reaper, and Skullpriest1210 levels in Epic!

Over on YouTubeBuboniccraig does a speed run, Strimtom has the best falconer you haven't played, and foji-video takes a risky swim!

Let's Talk Shop!

Screenshot of the Week!

Kierya faces no fear while facing the Demons of Shavarath in our 524th DDO Screenshot of the Week! Thanks Kierya for sending in this week's screenshot!

See the entire gallery on!

Click here to learn how your screenshot could be the next Screenshot of the Week!

In the News!

  • Crystal Cove is back! Available through September 26th. Get started by speaking to Sailor Calatin in The Harbor!
  • Get a Boost! Get 30% off:
    • Sovereign XP Elixirs
    • Treasure Hunter Elixirs
    • Greater Slayer Boosts
    • Long Lasting Supreme Ability Potions
    • Now through September 23rd!
  • The Weekly Coupon gets you a free Remove Negative Level Potion x5 with the Coupon Code FEELINBETTER, now through September 23rd!

That's all for this week's edition of the DDO Chronicle. We'll see you next time!

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