Challenge Rules - Kobold Island - The Disruptor Epic
Quick Start Guide
- Help activate and defend Extractor machines so they can harvest as many Dragonshards as possible from a monster filled island!
- Retrieve the stolen mechanical parts needed to repair Extractors by killing kobolds!
- Thwart a Giant Skeleton who can periodically disrupt all of your Extractors!
The Rules
- The monsters for this Challenge are meant for very experienced players! You must be level 20 or higher to enter this Challenge.
- Epic Challenges offer alternate rewards that can upgrade Challenge loot into its Epic version!
The Extractors
- Dragonshard Extractors on the island will extract Dragonshards - activate and upgrade as many Extractors as possible to maximize your Dragonshard extraction rate!
- Extract as many Dragonshards as possible before time runs out.
Once you activate an Extractor, you’ll need to protect the active Extractor from the attacks of various roaming monsters.
- Tip: You can earn extra treasure for killing red named boss monsters!
- If the monsters do enough damage to an Extractor it will shut down and need to be activated again, costing you more resources.
- Watch out for the Disruptor, a powerful giant skeleton that will appear at random. The Disruptor will stop all Extractor production until he has been defeated.
Activating Extractors
- Extractors must be activated before they begin to extract Dragonshards. Click on the lever in front of the Extractor to see the activation options.
You will need Mechanical Parts to activate Extractors. You get Mechanical Parts by killing the kobolds that infest the island.
- Tip: Non-kobold monsters never drop mechanical parts.
Camps of Kobolds can be found scattered across the island. Hunt down the kobolds to retrieve the mechanical parts needed for the Extractors.
- Tip: Desecrating a Kobold Idol will drive all the kobolds away from that camp forever, but also give you several Mechanical Parts right away.
Upgrading Extractors
Extractors can be upgraded using a combination of Dragonshards and mechanical parts taken from the kobolds. Upgrading an Extractor makes it extract faster, and allows it to take more damage before it is deactivated by monsters.
- Small Extractors can be upgraded to Level 2.
- Large Extractors can be upgraded to Level 3.
- Tip: Remember that spending Dragonshards subtracts from your quota.
Purchases from Extractors
- You can buy Magefire Cannons from all Extractors, and you can buy temporary Shrines from Large Extractors.
- You can place Magefire Cannons to protect the Extractors. Magefire Cannons can also be upgraded using Dragonshards and mechanical parts.
The Archon
- A benevolent Lantern Archon will sometimes appear and drop Dragonshards that you can collect and use to add to your score.
Supply Crates
- From time to time a patrolling airship will drop supply crates. These crates contain orbs that will temporarily enhance your abilities in various ways.
- Supply crates will only remain for a limited time!
Scoring & Star Objectives
You will earn points for the following:
- Extracted Dragonshards
- Dragonshards collected from the Archon
Star Objectives
Can you complete these objectives? For each blue star you earn you'll receive House Cannith favor!
- Reach Dragonshard collection quota
- Fully Upgrade all three Large Extractors
- Leave the Entropic Giant Skeleton alive for 4 minutes
- Have 5 Level 2 Turrets active at once
- Do not let any Extractors get destroyed
NOTE: You must complete the first star objective (Reach Dragonshard collection quota) to receive experience & rewards from the Challenge.