The DDO Chronicle: Issue 395
Community Spotlights
Alex delves into shifter! Click here for video from Lamannia.
DDOcast previews Update 47! Click here to watch or listen.
Strimtom has a question: How good is the Sun Flask? Click here to find out!
To nominate a player, email with the subject line "PLAYER SPOTLIGHT"
If your main character had a nickname, what would it be?
Comment on the DDO Forums here and you could win DDO Points!
Fansite News
DDOstream is your first stop to find DDO on Twitch! This week Doug Glendower does a giveaway, Brighter Days Ahead Tonight marks the end of summer, and Ahnket quests!
Also on Twitch, Strimtom gets excited, worbalwind slays, and KoboldEven sings DDO filks for Extra Life!
Over on YouTube, Louey7 (a regular LOTRO video maker) checks out DDO, SeariousGame helps people get started, and Free to Play DDO runs Fire on Thunder Peak with three people!
Let's Talk Shop!
- Update 46.4.2 has been released! Click here for the Release Notes.
- +Cordovan runs the 3s in this week's Weekly Wednesday Lunchtime Livestream! Click here to see it.
Screenshot of the Week!
Panross the Druid receives information from his forest friends in our 479th DDO Screenshot of the Week! Thanks, Panross, for sending in this week's screenshot.
Click here to check out the entire gallery!
Click here to learn how your screenshot could be the next Screenshot of the Week!
In the News!
- DDO Bonus Days bring you a +10 Treasure Hunter's Boost, now through September 7th!
- Double Mysterious Remnants continue through September 7th! Get twice the chance for Remnants to appear, now through September 7th.
- Double Bonus Points is back! Get twice the Bonus Points in the DDO Store through September 13th!
Improve Your Character!
Get 20% off:
Select Stat Tomes & Skill Tomes
Tomes of Heroic and Epic Learning
Harper Agent Enhancement Tree
Now through September 10th!
- The Weekly Coupon gets you a free Wand of False Life with the Coupon Code FALSELIFEWAND, now through September 10th!
That's all for this week's edition of the DDO Chronicle. We'll see you next time!